Its a dream for millions of people across the world to be at Times Square – New York city to see the famous Ball Drop on New Year’s eve. Millions of people come together, waiting for hours in the cold freezing night just to watch the Times Square ball drop. This is how New York welcomes the new year, of-course there are fireworks. The location and preparation to reach New Year can be an adventure by itself.
The Times Square – New Year’s Eve Ball 2015 descends from a flagpole at the top of 1 Times Square,NY. The best location to see the ball drop is along Broadway or 7th avenue, between 43rd Street to 50th Street. It can been seen from quite a distance, as far north as 59th Street. You can enjoy the live concerts, ball drop and fireworks at 12 !
As crazy as it sounds, to get a prime spot one must reach the location as early as 6pm at Time Square. NYPD ensures that there is tight security for the whole night. The later you reach the lesser the chances of even getting a spot to view the ball drop and fireworks. Get ready for a long night and drink lots of water (beware of the limited options if you need to use a restroom!). Dehydration is possible because of cold. Be sure to carry some snack bars and stay close to your friends the whole time if you want to really enjoy this event.
Inspite of all of it its a lot of fun and for many its a tradition in New York City ! Most party halls are open with rates starting from 70$/person to 1500$ or more. Hence you can opt to do party after the ball drop.
Alcohol is not allowed in the open at NYC.
Restrooms are not available
Authorized street vendors are not allowed
Tripod is not allowed.
Restaurants are open around Times Square but it may not be realistic to get a seat
1. Access Points to Times Square :
Getting to Times Square : Subway stations around Times Square will be closed. However you can gain access to Times Square from 6th Avenue or 8th Avenue . There wont be roads crossing Broadway/7th Avenue once the streets have been closed. If you have specific reservations in one of the prime hotels please contact your hotel desk and they will help you out.
South of 41st Street
37th & 7th Ave
37th & Broadway
38th & 8th Ave
38th & 6th Ave
North of 43rd street
46th from 8th & 6th Ave (press access)
Emergency Vehicle Route (48th, 5th-9th Ave)
49th from 8th & 6th Ave
52nd from 8th & 6th Ave
54th from 6th Ave
55th from 8th Ave
57th from 7th Ave
57th from Broadway
58th from 8th & 6th Ave
59th from 8th & 6th Ave
Pedestrian/Subway Chutes:
39th – Broadway to 6th Ave
41st – 7th Ave directed westbound to 8th Ave
49th – 7th Ave directed eastbound to 6th Ave
50th – Broadway directed westbound to 8th Ave
53rd – Broadway directed westbound to 8th Ave
55th – 7th Ave directed eastbound to 7th Ave
There is tons of information at
If you cannot make it you will not miss the event. You can also watch live event online and on televisions. Hope you enjoy your time and wish you all readers a very Happy & Prosperous New Year 2015!